Organic Peruvian - Bold Roast - 10oz.


Our Fair Trade, Organic Peru is from Finca Churupampa Women’s lot.

Finca Churupampa is a progressive coffee farm located in Chirinos, Cajamarca, Peru. Finca Churupampa is a leading model for economically and environmentally sustainable coffee production.

Finca Churupampa operates a training center open to the entire community, working with farmers to improve their production practices and break the cycle of poverty that has trapped farmers in the region for many years.

The training center also has a quality control laboratory to train producers in processing, cupping, technical assistance, and more. Their success lies in community education and investment.

Finca Churupampa highly values its women producers, encouraging leadership and empowerment through its women's producer group. These women work in food safety, research around coffee fermentation processes, and agronomic technical assistance directed toward the family.

This coffee has tart berry flavor balanced with sweet honey and caramel notes.

Pictured is the Exploradora team with Talhya Alberca, Finca Churupampa’s Q Grader and Quality Control expert.

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