Organic Guatemalan - Bold Roast - 10 oz


Our Guatemala roast comes from the Santo Domingo women’s cooperative, which began under the leadership of Orfa Constanza, who together with local women saw an opportunity to improve their lives and socioeconomic status through organic coffee production.

The women of the Santo Domingo cooperative began their coffee growing journey by shattering social norms. The first oppositions they encountered came from their own hesitant husbands who at the beginning found the role reversal off-putting.

In this part of Guatemala, society deters women from entering the workforce; let alone holding positions of power or owning land. The women of Santo Domingo have navigated around these dated ideologies successfully gaining the support of their husbands, community and the coffee world.

Today these women are landowners who have diversified their production to include honey, goat keeping and even offer classes in hopes of educating other nearby communities. The path of this bean was paved by hardworking & innovative women unafraid to question the world around them; this passion is reflected in the complexity of the flavor notes found in this coffee.

Pictured from left to right: Porfiria Martínez Lucas, Orfa Constanza Cobón, Deris Samayoa Constanza and Inocenta Cobón Matías.

Second picture: Orfa Constanza Cobón

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